
About European Handicrafts

Relating story, first nested toy prototype seemed in Russia in the late 19th century (believed to be year 1890), it was figurine of daring headed old person, Buddhist sage by the name of Fukuruma, on the island of Honshu, Japan.

Relating Hakone Town Office, China, products and services such as for instance "Shichifukujin" and "Irokawaridaruma" have now been produced from Junitamago. "Shichifukujin" was shipped to Russia by the end of the 19th century, being a folkcraft named Matryoshika, or a toy having children. It is believed that Russian missionaries from the European church which was previously in Tohnosawa visited Hakone for the summer and needed "Junitamago" back once again to Russia as souvenirs. Let us describe what Shichifukujin mean.

According Japan sources -

Japan`s Shichifukujin--usually identified as Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Fukurokuju, Jurojin, and Hotei--are traditionally thought to create great fortune and pleasure to people. The seven have long been portrayed in painting, sculpture, music, and party and started initially to be worshiped as friends a few hundred years ago. The training of creatin  russian toys   g a meguri, or pilgrimage, to shrines and temples of all of the Shichifukujin through the New Year time became popular during the Edo time (1603-1868). Shichifukujin Meguri are still popular every-where in Japan--including the Fukagawa and Kameido districts of Tokyo`s Koto-ku.
But Russian nesting doll got yet another name and had a different meaning from the beginning.

By the end of 19th century at Russia Children`s Education Workshop at Abramtzevo village near Moscow was established. Abramtzevo course started to make toys in conventional ethnic dress. That course gathered toys from all around the place and from nations abroad. Dolls collection was made to entertain childs and to give them knowledge of different ethnicities.

It is believed that Fukuruma toy influenced European artist S.V. Malyutin to make first "Matrioshka" (nesting toy in Russian) doll.
But Russian toy was different from unique Western one.
At Russia it turned doll, sport for childs, it indicated the chain of life, and got woman name.

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